10th August 2006

BAA Health Impact Assessment is worthless, says SSE

A detailed analysis of BAA’s health impact assessment (HIA) in support of its application for maximum use of the single runway at Stansted has shown it to be so worthless that SSE has called on Uttlesford District Council (UDC) to commission a fresh and truly independent study.

SSE’s examination has concluded that the so-called independent study by consultants ERM has been carried out with the sole intention of giving Stansted Airport’s operator a ‘clean bill of health’. ERM has viewed its role as one of assisting BAA to gain planning approval, says SSE. This conflict of interest is accentuated by the fact that ERM has wider business interests with BAA.

SSE’s report shows that significant health risks have been ignored or glossed over. “There is no more important duty for Uttlesford District Council than its duty to ensure that the health of the local community is not put at risk as a consequence of a planning decision,” Carol Barbone, SSE’s campaign director, has told UDC.

Contact SSE for a copy of its letter to UDC and its full response to the ERM Health Impact Assessment.

Campaigning to ensure Stansted Airport's authorised operations stay below harmful limits